| 1. | The power of the titans comes from the mother earth 泰坦们的力量来自于大地母亲。
| 2. | A wave is coming to all the shores of mother earth 有一个大浪正扑向大地母亲所有的海岸。
| 3. | 96 special reports we are all the children of mother earth 96特别报导我们都是大地母亲的小孩
| 4. | Batu said , “ they fight life itself , our mother earth 巴图说“恶魔嗜杀生命,我们的天灵之母。
| 5. | We are all the children of mother earth 我们都是大地母亲的小孩
| 6. | So much depends on mother earth and her vibrational system 有这麽多仰赖大地之母和她的震动的系统。
| 7. | 96 special reports ode to mother earth 96特别报导大地颂
| 8. | This is mother earth ' s way of coming to a screeching halt 这是大地之母来到尖锐刺耳的声音停止的方式。
| 9. | Oil painting mother earth series was collected by shanghai arts gallery 油画《大地系列》被上海美术馆收藏。
| 10. | The new odors have distorted the sweet smells of our mother earth 人们所制造出来的气味,驱散了孕育大地万物的原有芳香。